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Infused with Love

Linda Fudge

Sometimes all you need is a good hug.   And, when that hug is from a cuddly bear designed especially with you in mind, that hug is even better.  For Linda Fudge’s four grandchildren, their tailor-made teddies will be a reminder of the love felt for them by their grandmother.   Linda worked with Jill Murphy, Music Therapist for the Hospice Palliative Care Society, to create special bears for her four grandchildren, Judah, Kai, Matthew and London.  

Linda says she did not know a lot about the music therapy program at first, but as she got to know Jill while staying at Hospice Cape Breton, she learned more about the various aspects of the program.   “At first I thought that music therapy was about easing the journey, infusing the final days with as much hope and joy as possible, says Linda.   It’s more than that.”  Linda was able to create and record special messages that are contained within each bear.   The messages are all about the love Linda feels for her grandchildren, aged 2,4,6 and 8 as well as the hopes she has for their future. 

Linda says she thought it would be a nice legacy for her family who live in Arizona and with whom she face-times frequently.   Since the bears would be ambassadors for Cape Breton, they also have special touches donated from the community.  The bears wear tartan donated from the Cape Breton Curiosity Shop, while Rivers End sewed the scarves and Lisa McNeil-Campbell tying the bowties at no charge.  Each bear is personalized using a circut machine, through the generosity of Shalese Kelly, who is a family member of a former patient.  Since Linda uses a daisy as her signature sign, (also another meaning for her second name—Marguerite), the bears have a daisy on one paw, and the initials of the recipient on the other. 

To remind her grandchildren of their uniqueness and individual strengths, the messages were carefully crafted by Linda.  Even the appearance of each bear was well thought out.   For Judah, the youngest, she chose a furry, lion-like look to match his bold, brave and rough and tumble personality.   To ensure the messages contained in the bears continue to last, they are also recorded on a USB as a back-up.  

“I was hugging the bears to infuse them with love,” says Linda.  “And I hope they know that every time they hug their bears, they’re really getting a hug from me.  I really hope they will be well loved.”   No doubt they will, Linda, for years to come.